The Kniaziewicz Family The
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Mom   Kathleen
Kristine   Kristine
Mikey   Mikey
Hershey Park 2003
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Our trip to Hershey Park, in Hershey PA, was very enjoyable. We managed to ride all the rides that we wanted. Several rides we rode enough times that we became dizzy. In order to make this page easier to view, I have employed a back method to return you to the picture you were looking at. Unfortunately, the previous pictures will not be viewable unless you reload/refresh the page.ENJOY!!

Coal Cracker Our June 30, 2003 trip to Hershey Park was alot of fun. This particular picture was taken on the Coal Cracker ride, which is a log flume ride. It is apparent by this picture that it is better to ride in the front of the log rather than the back.

Flyer Kristine likes to fly, and with the flyer ride she got her opportunity.

Kristine Flying Kristine likes to fly, and with the flyer ride she got her opportunity.

Here are some pictures from the zoo at Hershey Park

Mikey Zoo Mikey taking in the sites at the zoo. Here he is looking at the bisons.

Kristine Zoo Kristine taking in the sites at the zoo.

Praire Dogs Here are the Praire Dogs. I think they are just squires that couldn't find a tree.

Black Bears These are the Black Bears at the zoo. They look cuddly, but they are probably thinking we look delicious.

Kristine and an eagle Kristine spots the eagle in the cage.

Hershey Park had a very enjoyable water-show and these are a couple of pictures from the show, which we go to see from the first row.

Sea Lions This is Duke and Eb, two California Sea Lions, at the watershow. Duke is the one with the red nose.

Sea Lions This is Duke and Eb up close, meeting the crowd.

Sea Lions This is Duke and Eb waving to the crowd.

Duke dancing This is Duke dancing.

Sea Lions This is Duke and Eb waiting for a treat.

Kristines Favorite Ride The swing is one of Kristine's favorite rides. Here she is waiting for one of her six consecutive times on the ride to start.

Kristine looking over park Kristine, in orange, is surveying the park from above.

Rodeo The Rodeo is a ride that spins forward and backwards, up and down, and side to side. Mikey was the one to brave this ride with his dad.

Mike and Dad This is Mikey waiting in line with dad for the rodeo to begin.

Mikey This is Mikey concentrating on what is about to happen to him.

Dad Dad showing off.

Kristine and Mike Kristine and Mikey getting ready to play golf.

Golfing Mikey trying to put into the hole to win. Notice the way he is holding the putter (problem?).

Mike and Dad Mikey and dad sit together again.

Kristine and Mom Kristine and mom sit together. Mom really looks excited!

tilt-o-wirl Kristine and the unseen Mikey on the tilt-o-wirl.

The Gang Kristine, Mikey and dad bracing to the excitement.